Iran’s Underutilization of Its Geographical Position | Let’s End Two Decades of Wasted Opportunities


Farzanegan, founder of the Mundo Business Group, emphasized that Iran is in a prime geographical position for trade development and criticized the failure to capitalize on this opportunity.

In an interview with Mundo Business Group’s public relations, Farshid Farzanegan described Iran’s unique geographical position as one of the key opportunities for the country’s development. He stated: “This position is truly unique and is one of the country’s greatest advantages; Iran is at the crossroads of three continents: Asia, Europe, and Africa. With access to the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman, it controls one of the world’s most important energy corridors.”

The founder of Mundo Business Group added: “This strategic position allows Iran to play a crucial role as a bridge between the East and the West in the transportation of goods and energy.”

The economic advisor and UAE market researcher mentioned that Iran’s geographical location could contribute to economic development in several areas. He said: “Firstly, Iran could act as a regional and global transit hub, especially with large projects like the North-South Corridor and the New Silk Road.”

Farzanegan continued: “These projects could turn Iran into a major center for goods transit between Asia and Europe, generating significant revenue for the country.”

The former president of the Iran-UAE Joint Chamber of Commerce considered the second opportunity to be Iran’s geographical position and access to energy resources, stating: “This opportunity could turn Iran into a key player in the global energy market.”

The marketing and sales advisor in the GCC markets reminded that with its vast oil and gas reserves, Iran has the potential for extensive resource exports, which could be an important source of income for the country.

Farzanegan emphasized that Iran’s tourism potential is another opportunity for the country, explaining: “The country’s climatic and cultural diversity is very high, and the variety of access points presents an excellent opportunity to attract tourists.”

He added: “From the Alborz and Zagros mountains to the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea shores, the country can be an attractive destination for tourists from all over the world.”

Criticizing that over the past 20 years, Iran has not effectively utilized its geographical position, Farzanegan pointed out: “One of the main reasons for this is international sanctions and political restrictions that have prevented foreign investment and international cooperation.”

He added: “Moreover, the lack of development in transportation and energy infrastructure has also been another deterrent factor.”

The manager of Golden Future Road in the UAE said: “Instead of strengthening trade relations with neighbors and leveraging its geographical position as a strategic asset, Iran has, on many occasions, missed out on these opportunities due to ineffective domestic and foreign policies. For example, many transit projects that could have transformed Iran’s economy have not been completed due to management and political issues.”

He criticized Iran’s severe underutilization of its geographical position and advised the new government: “This requires a fundamental review of the country’s economic and political policies and strategies. I hope the new government will pay special attention to this issue.”

Farzanegan expressed hope that, in the near future, with improved international relations and investment in infrastructure, Iran will be able to make the best use of this position and become a regional economic power.

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