Dr Babak Moradi

Dr Babak Moradi

SHRM Deputy and Management Consultant of Mundo group

Babak Moradi (2023) who is BCU Guest Lecturer and Professor of Human Resource Studies and Research Fellow, Centre for Advanced Human Resource Studies at the SHVision; Iranian First Management Consultancy Holding Group. He holds a BSc (Industrial Engineering), MS Certificate (Supply Chain Management), MS Diploma (Production Process Planning), MSc (Logistics) and PhD from the University of Birmingham City University. His research and teaching interests focus on the Continuous Improvements, East and West Management, Kaizen, Gemba Kaizen, TQM, SHRM, Productivity, HRM Practices, HRM Behaviours, Leadership Training, future of work, organizational agility, Lean Thinking and Lean Production, and human resource strategy. Over more than 25 years he has addressed these and related interests in over 300 Iran SME’s organisation and UK’s food chain and several articles, and the boo, as well as numerous speaking engagements and consulting assignments worldwide.

Babak Moradi One Page MUNDO Lesson

MUNDO is looking for poetic inspiration to help partners to appreciate the value of effective teamworking and win-win collaboration. Look no further! In this one-page lessons, we’ve curated the above lessons to act as poems about the future working together in the shape of MUNDO that celebrate the power of unity, community, cooperation, and collaboration in effective business way.

This MUNDO offers a glimpse into the art of collaboration perfectionism, reminding us that we can chieve great success when we collaboration, sympathy, empathy, and convergence, together towards a common goal.

MUNDO inspire us to see beyond the reality by forgetting our individual differences and positively focus on the desire dramatic world on what unites us, inviting us to be part of a larger universal purpose and vision called MUNDO.

So, Fasten Your Belt with MUNDO Spacecraft, MUNDO is ready to be moved by the beauty and strength of teamwork with us, here are MUNDO book about enjoying working to gather that will inspire and motivate our partners to join forces with our new members.

The Beauty of MUNDO,

In the beauty of MUNDO

We find a sense of collaboration,

We find a sense of inspiration,

As we work together, hand in hand,

To achieve what we never can do with one hand.

With our unique trade skills and expertise,

In MUNDO, we come together, to find peace,

In a world that’s often so chaotic,

We build a MUNDO team, that’s quite symbiotic.

The beauty of MUNDO,

Is that it brings us, a new sensation,

Of working towards, a common goal,

And creating something, that’s whole.

We each bring, a piece of the puzzle,

And together, we can easily muzzle,

The challenges, that come our way,

As we work towards, a future brighter day.

The great Bless of MUNDO,

MUNDO is the great Bless.

Babak Moradi 19/FEB/2024