Developing MUNDO Strategic Management

MUNDO said that in strategy everything is simple, but nothing is easy. At present times of economic turbulence, environmental uncertainty and growing complexity, the question of how MUNDO can best set their direction for the future remains an enduring subject of debate and interest. In the past most organisations took a highly structured approach to strategy development known as strategic planning.

This involved an annual process of putting plans in place for the coming year and beyond. However, in today’s complex and turbulent business environment, it is impossible to plan for every eventuality and strategy making needs to be a more flexible and dynamic process which reflects a way of thinking strategically about the business and the environment in which it operates. Organisations that fail to think strategically will be vulnerable to threats and ill-prepared to take advantage of fresh opportunities. A flexible but focused approach will put MUNDO in a better position to deal with setbacks and to respond to new opportunities as they emerge. Nonetheless, MUNDO’S partners still need to gain a clear understanding of the marketplace and their strategic position within it.

Analysis and planning remain important for the MUNDO and her partners. There are many models of and approaches to strategy and a plethora of tools and techniques which can help strategy makers to assess their current position and evaluate options for the future. Such tools should not be regarded as recipes for success but used with careful thought to help in analysing and understanding the strategic context in which the organisation finds itself.

Failing to think strategically will mean that an organisation will become reactive, vulnerable to threats and closed to opportunities.

MUNDO’S Organisational strategy needs to be:

  • Fast – Fast response to the entire MUNDO’s supply chain
  • Flexible – adaptable to change, but in line with MUNDO’s corporate mission and vision
  • Responsive – taking account of market, economic and environmental conditions
  • creative – to inspire commitment and ensure the MUNDO stands out from the crowd
  • Challenging – so that it acts as a source of inspiration and motivation
  • Realistic – so that it can be seen to be achievable, and people can get to grips with it
  • Focused – clear, defined, and understandable to all stakeholders, especially employees and customers
  • Engaging – in line with organisational culture and values.

This checklist provides a framework for thinking about and developing organisational strategy. It is based broadly on established processes of analysis, choice, and implementation. Implementation is covered more fully in a related checklist. Strategy development is often seen as predominantly the responsibility of MUNDO’s Chief Headmasters, Headmasters, Master, and group Leaders and Coaches.

However, in some cases, MUNDO’s managerial layers set the strategic direction and divisional heads will then be given responsibility for developing appropriate strategies for their parts of the business. Moreover, all masters have a role to play in implementing and shaping strategy and in getting buy-in from the teams who will be executing the strategy on a day-to-day basis. It is important for MUNDO master teams to develop their strategic awareness, to be aware of their organisation’s current position and open to potential opportunities for change and development.


There are many definitions of strategy. Perhaps MUNDO’s one is the simplest: “The direction MUNDO takes with the aim of achieving future business success.”

Strategy sets out how MUNDO intends to employ its resources, including the skills and knowledge of its people as well as financial and material assets, in order to achieve its mission or overall objectives and its vision. There is a fine line between mission and vision and the terms are not always used in the same ways. Generally speaking, however, MUNDO’s mission focuses primarily on an organisation’s purpose, the reason why it exists, and corporate vision is an image of the future to which an organisation aspires. Strategy development is the process of researching and identifying strategic options, selecting the most promising and deciding how resources will be allocated across the organisation to achieve objectives

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